From far away, TATA has always focused on everything in the universe. When travelling with VAN, they fall accidentally on Earth. There! TATA has changed her mind to become a super star and met 6 of the most beloved members: RJ, CHIMMY, COOKY, MANG, SHOOKY, KOYA. This is the beginning of the future UNIVERSTAR BT21...
Super Curious TATA |
Space Ship VAN |
Kind Alpaca RJ |
From BT Planet, TATA is very curious about everything. #BTPlanet #Supernatural #Transformation |
Space Robot, the protector of BT21. #guardian #vehicle #robot |
Kind and polite, the cutest while mumbling. Wears a parka because it gets cold easily. #greetings #gentle #parka #mumble
Passionate Puppy CHIMMY |
Pinkish Tough Bunny COOKY |
Yummy-head SHOOKY |
Born with passion and tries hard at everything. #passion #trying #yellowhoody | Bunny with a twist who dreams of being strong. #eyebrows #unbalanced #imaginarymuscle | Magic cookie with special powers. Scared of milk. #manyfaces #mini #healingpower #friends |
Masked Dancing Pony MANG |
Thinker Koala KOYA |
BT21 Begins |
While dancing, MANG is cooler than ever. Always wears masks. #heartshapenose #mask #chatter | Smart, but looks sleepy while actually thinking deeply #arranger #pillow #sleepyeyes #removableears | #BT21 #우주스타 #유니버스타 #UNIVERSTAR #TATA #RJ #COOKY #SHOOKY #MANG #KOYA #CHIMMY #VAN |